Monday, September 29, 2008

Felted Purses

I had some left over wool yarn, so I decided to make some felted purses just for fun. You have to use wool. You wash the purses in hot water for about 5 - 10 minutes, then rinse in cold water and let dry. It is a very simple procedure. I saw a beautiful round felted purse at a crafts fair that was selling for $118.00. I don't know if it sold. However, it was very well done.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Gifts from Indonesia

Our son and his wife are back from Indonesia, where they visited her parents serving an LDS mission there. They brought back these items to us. A wind chime for my husband, who has quite a few from many different places. The top of the chime is a coconut shell. He also got a fun handcarved drum. I received a beautiful purse and two cute pigs, both from Bali. I collect pigs and my children always surprise me with new fun pigs to add to my collection. We also got a handmade Chinese Checkers game, with beautiful handcrafted stone pieces. In addition they brought us candy (chocolate and licorice - already eaten.) It is nice to have them back safely, and we very much enjoyed having our grandson at our house while they were away.

They said that the traffic there was insane. There were no rules. You could see seven cars in a row on a four-lane road and there were motorcycles everywhere. However, they did not see one accident or fender bender the whole time they were there.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Fun Day with our Grandson

My husband and I are taking care of our grandson, Logan, while his parents are in Indonesia, visiting Cheryl's parents who are there on an LDS mission. We spent one day at Thanksgiving Point looking at all the animals. Here is Logan feeding a goat.

We did a lot of walking and found a nice bench to sit down and rest for awhile.

Logan riding a horse with his farfar (grandpa in Swedish - father's father, I am a farmor - father's mother) walking next to him.

Friday, September 12, 2008


I enjoy knitting a lot. About 25 years ago I knitted my first doll while on lunch breaks at work. I got several requests from my co-workers to make some for them. On my friend's urging I made a really big doll and entered her in our state fair and won a ribbon. I need to do something with all the yarns I have collected during the years, so while watching TV I am knitting dolls again to give away.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My First Quilt

I can't believe it! It is actually finished! My daughter had a block exchange exactly a year ago and I thought it would be fun, so I joined. I enjoyed picking the materials with my daughter's help. However, I had to wait a couple of months to get many of the blocks, and then I took my time to sew them all together of course. The colors go very well in my house. I am going to hang it on the wall going downstairs. Now it is up to my husband to put it on the wall.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

My Reason for Writing

The main reason why I am having a blog is for my children and grandchild(ren). It is kind of a condensed journal for them to read. However, after having read so many wonderful and fun blogs of very creative and talented women showing their accomplishment, crafts and creations, it has inspired me to do more crafts also. I love to knit, crochet and do cross stitch, so I am soon going to "show off" some items I have made to make my blog more fun and interesting. I could spend a whole day just reading blogs, but I am a working woman so that is not possible. My favorite blogs to read are of course my daughter Anna's blog and my daughter-in-law Cheryl's blog.