Thursday, September 4, 2008

My Reason for Writing

The main reason why I am having a blog is for my children and grandchild(ren). It is kind of a condensed journal for them to read. However, after having read so many wonderful and fun blogs of very creative and talented women showing their accomplishment, crafts and creations, it has inspired me to do more crafts also. I love to knit, crochet and do cross stitch, so I am soon going to "show off" some items I have made to make my blog more fun and interesting. I could spend a whole day just reading blogs, but I am a working woman so that is not possible. My favorite blogs to read are of course my daughter Anna's blog and my daughter-in-law Cheryl's blog.


Anna M. said...

Hooray! You're finally going to post some of YOUR great creations! =)

The Blonde Duck said...

I just stumbled across your blog. Writing, no matter what form, is always good for the soul. :) Good for you!