Monday, November 24, 2008

Another Doll and some Hats

A few more things I have crocheted/knitted while watching TV. I have put some of my dolls on (my name there is Knittina) just for fun for a while. There are a lot of talented people with beautiful things to sell on etsy. I especially like the felted bags made by 'felt sew good'. She does beautiful work.


Megan Miley and Chris said...

Cute! I love them. I especially like the white and yellow hat. Just so you know, I tried your link to the etsy shop and it didn't work. How long does it take you to make a doll like that?

Cheryl Gillilan said...

Cute Christina! Kelli and Diane want a hat after they saw mine! They are Great!

Anna M. said...

You make such cute are very talented! =)